Opening Hours : Sunday to Saturday - 5am to 11pm


Philip Bright Foundation/Philips Carmel church/PCC Diocese India is a Faith - based a Christian Denomination and Episeopal Bishop Diocese of synod is Biblical and evangelical in faith, apostolic in origin , seeking to Maximize the number of persons involved and areas reached, it creates service opportunities for divers skills and education. Believing that time is very short its decision making reflects a sense of Urgency. It supports and encourages people and other Organization which share these principles.


Jesus started greate commission and the Bible love for others – In the same way, we show the love of Jesus Christ to all around us through our daily lives. Philip Bright foundation/ Philips Carmel church dynamically involved in various places and Make Bishops Consecrations and to issued Certificates to preach the gospel and shrewdly the love of Christ. We building social and education projects, Charitable Activities. community Development programmes, rehabilitation projects and relief works, The Beautiful Christian family Programming provide by these net works includes kids programming, soothing nature senses historical programmes, and Bible preaching. we are deeply involved in spreading the word of God’s love though our guest human rights, caste reconciliation, gender justice and social justice - Programming and envisioning new generation in an new world continues striving to full fill God’s calling, Providing help to Those in Need and sharing the wonderful news of our soon returning Jesus Christ with those who have not yet heard. “He said unto them, Go Ye into all the world, and Preach the Gospel to Every Creatures” Mark: 16:15-18